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Less stress for your crop thanks to PAR+

Less stress for your crop thanks to PAR+

The changeable weather of recent times regularly causes unwanted moments of stress for the crop. When the sun suddenly breaks through, it bursts in, and the crop often cannot respond quickly enough. Thanks to the PAR+ coating, daylight enters more evenly at these times, so that the sharp peaks are distributed over the entire crop.

Photo's taken at Plantenkwekerij Gitzels

The picture including the graph at the top of this blog post clearly shows the hard shadow lanes under clear glass, while under our PAR+ coating the daylight is evenly distributed over the crop. This results in less shade and less sun related stress during the day. This can be seen in the graph on the right: Fluctuations in light intensity are reduced, so that differences in the daily PAR sum over the entire crop are minimal. In this way, the crop receives the required amount of sunlight throughout the greenhouse, evenly distributed throughout the day.

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