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560 m2 PAR+ coating successfully applied

February 23, 2022

560 m2 of our PAR+ coating has been successfully applied at Bosch Growers in Bleiswijk.

We are very proud to announce that the PAR+ team has applied 560 m2 of the PAR+ coating at the bell peppers greenhouse of Bosch Growers. The area of bell peppers grown under PAR+ will be tested and compared to a similar sized reference area. Hogeschool inHolland is involved in executing measurements on all relevant crop parameters such as amount and weight of the fruits, leaf area index, number of leaves, internodialength, setting and plant load.

Bosch Growers is a highly innovative grower of bell peppers and blackberries and a family business that has been located in Bleiswijk since 1854. We thank Wouter and Jaco for their trust in us.

The project was subsidised by RVO in the province of Zuid-Holland through a MIT R&D subsidy.

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